14 October 2015


Place of origin: Our recipe based on chocolate strawberry cake recipe I found few years ago somewhere on the internet and printed it out but forgot to make a note where I have found it.

For one B-day party this summer I wanted to make choco strawberry cake. But strawberries were already gone (you can't find fresh strawberries all-year-round in Croatia) so using the recipe for a strawberry cake I wanted to make, and making some changes to my taste, I came up with this lovely cake. :-)
I suppose it was very good as the cut pictured below was the only remaining piece I've found in the fridge the next morning! The other cake from the same party, Double choco blueberry cake, was not so lucky. In the morning, when I asked where is the other cake, I was just told - well, we ate it. :-D Bad people, they should have left at least a small piece for the cook. :-P
INGREDIENTS (24 cm springform mold)

4 eggs, separated
80-100 g powdered sugar (depending how sweet you want it)
80 g cake flour
25 g unsweetened cocoa
50 g dark chocolate (min 55% cocoa)
50 g butter, melted
rum (optional)

1 packet granulated gelatine (little less is also ok)
250 ml coconut milk
3 egg whites
70 g sugar
app 600 g raspberries

100 g heavy cream
100 g dark chocolate (min 55% cocoa)
20 g butter
  1. melt butter with chocolate over very low heat or in a microwave 
  2. sift flour with cocoa
  3. whisk egg yolks with sugar till light and fluffy
  4. add flour and cocoa, mix until well incorporated
  5. add melted butter and chocolate, mix well
  6. in another bowl whisk egg whites till hard peaks form
  7. gradually, using a spatula, incorporate egg whites into egg yolks mixture 
  8. preheat the oven to 180°C 
  9. grease and flour a springform pan and pour the batter in it
  10. bake for 20-25 minutes (check for doneness with a toothpick)
  11. cool the cake completely and cut in half horizontally - if you would like, you can sprinkle both parts with some rum (you can dilute it with water or sugar syrup if you find it too strong)
  12. place half of the cake into the clean springform pan and arrange raspberries on the cake bottom
  13. for coconut cream, in a small bowl melt the gelatin in 4 tablespoons of water and let it stand for about 5 minutes and then melt it over simmering water, stirring occasionally.
  14. in a pot warm the coconut milk (almost to the boiling point but do not let it boil) and add gelatin. Let cool.
  15. whip the egg whites until stiff while adding the sugar gradually
  16. gently fold the egg whites into the cooled milk
  17. pour the cream over raspberries and place the second part of the cake on top, press down lightly
  18. place in the fridge for one hour.
  19. for ganache, break the chocolate into pieces and put it in a bowl
  20. bring the heavy cream to boil and pour it over chocolate pieces, let stand for couple of minutes
  21. gently stir with a spatula until you have a silky cream (using a hand mixer might produce air bubbles which you don't want in your frosting), fold in the butter
  22. pour the ganache evenly over the cake
  23. place in the fridge for at least 2 hours (I kept it for little less as I was in a hurry and I was so afraid it will fall apart but it turned out great)
  • instead of raspberries, try it with any other berries to your preference
  • if you do not like coconut you can use regular milk or some other milk to your liking; in that case you might want to add some vanilla extract or vanilla sugar to the milk for a better taste


    Ovo ljeto sam htjela napraviti čokoladnu tortu s jagodama za jednu dvostruku rođendansku feštu (Katarina i moja bolja polovica). No jagode su do tog trenutka već nestale i iz dućana i s placa pa sam, koristeći recept za tu tortu s jagodama uz određene izmjene i prilagodbe, smislila ovu zgodnu torticu. :-)
    Mislim da je bila dobra jer sam sljedeće jutro u frižideru našla samo jedan komad(ić) čiji presjek vidite gore na slici. Druga torta s fešte, Dvostruka čoko cheescake s borovnicama, nije bila te sreće. Kad sam ujutro pitala di je druga torta, samo su mi rekli - pa pojeli smo. :-D Bezobraznici, mogli su i kuharici bar komadić ostavit. :-P

    SASTOJCI (za kalup 24 cm)

    4 jaja
    100 g šećera u prahu
    80 g oštrog brašna
    20-25 g čistog kakaa
    50 g tamne čokolade (min 55% kakaa)
    50 g maslaca

    1 vrećica želatine u prahu
    250 ml kokosovog mlijeka
    3 bjelanjka
    70 g šećera
    oko 500 g malina ili po želji

    120 g vrhnja za šlag (nikako biljnog)
    1 žlica maslaca
    100 g tamne čokolade (min 55% kakaa)
    1. razdvojite jaja te žumanjke i šećer u prahu pjenasto izmiksajte.
    2. prosijte brašno i kakao (zajedno) i dodajte u smjesu žumanjka i šećera.
    3. maslac i čokoladu zajedno otopite i dodajte u smjesu.
    4. bjelanjke istucite u čvrsti snijeg i postepeno ih umiješajte u smjesu.
    5. pecite u pobrašnjenom i namašćenom kalupu za tortu na 180°C oko 20-25 minuta (probajte čačkalicom).
    6. pečenu tortu potpuno ohladite i prerežite vodoravno na pola, donju polovicu stavite u čisti kalup i na nju poslagažite maline. Ako želite, oba dijela torte možete poprskati rumom ili mješavinom ruma i vode ili šećernog sirupa ako vam je sam rum prejak.
    7. za kremu od kokosa u zdjelici ili šalici rastopite želatinu u 4 žlice vode, te nakon 5 minuta, zagrijte na pari da se želatina rastopi (povremeno promiješajte).
    8. kokosovo mlijeko zagrijte (skoro do vrenja) pa dodajte želatinu; ohladite.
    9. istucite bjelanjke u čvrsti snijeg uz postepeno dodavanje šećera te ih umiješajte u ohlađeno mlijeko.
    10. izlijte kremu preko malina, poklopite s drugim dijelom biskvita i lagano pritisnite.
    11. stavite u hladnjak na sat vremena.
    12. za ganache izlomite čokoladu u posudu, zakipite vrhnje i izlijte preko čokolade. Ostavite 2-3 minute da se čokolada otopi te potom lagano miješajte spatulom (ne mikserom da ne uđe zrak i ne nastanu mjehurići) dok se ne dobije svilenkasta masa. Dodajte maslac.
    13. Prelijte ganache preko torte i stavite u hladnjak na barem 2 sata (meni je stajala malo kraće jer mi se žurilo i bojala sam se da će se raspasti i curiti na sve strane, no ispala je odlično :-) )
    • umjesto malina možete staviti neko drugo bobičasto voće po svom izboru
    • ako ne volite kokos, zamijenite kokosovo mlijeko običnim kravljim (kozjim) ili pak nekim drugim mlijekom po izboru. U tom slučaju bi bilo dobro staviti malo ekstrakta vanilije ili vanil šećera radi arome. 
    Recipe by Linda

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