22 October 2015


Place of origin: Croatia (mum's recipe)

One simple dish that my mum used to make very often. It doesn’t have any special name and she has always referred to it as “meat in sauce”. You need just a few simple ingredients to have a tasty meal.

INGREDIENTS (serves 2)
1 medium size onion
1 garlic clove (crushed through garlic press or finely chopped)
250-300 g lean beef (thick flank – British; round – American) cut into small chunks
1 tbsp vegetable or sunflower oil or olive oil
app 10 g tomato paste (tomato concentrate)
3-4 cloves
salt and pepper to taste
100 ml red wine (optional)
app 400 ml water (500 ml if not using wine) or beef stock if you have it - you can use stock cube
  1. in a heavy bottomed pot heat the oil and sauté onions till translucent.
  2. add garlic, stir, add meat.
  3. cook over medium high heat till all the liquid from the meat evaporates.
  4. add 400 ml water and scrape all “burnt” pieces of meat and onion from sides of the pot – it will add flavor to the sauce.
  5. add tomato paste, cloves, salt and pepper.
  6. cover and simmer over low heat for 1 hour. Check from time to time to see if more water is necessary and also stir occasionally.
  7. after one hour, add wine (or same amount of water if not using wine).
  8. cook for another 20-30 minutes or until the meat is tender – taste one chunk to check.
  9. serve warm with gnocchi, dumplings, pasta or potato pure.


Jednostavno jelo koje je mama često radila. Nema neko posebno ime, uvijek smo to zvali jednostavno "meso u saftu". Potrebno vam je svega nekoliko sastojaka za ukusan obrok.

SASTOJCI (za 2 osobe)
1 luk srednje veličine
1 češanj češnjaka (protisnut kroz pasirku za češnjak ili fino sjeckan)
250-300 g nemasne govedine (npr. but)
1 žlica ulja (biljno, suncokretovo ili maslinovo)
oko 10 g koncentrata rajčice
3-4 klinčića
sol i papar prema ukusu
100 ml crvenog vina (opcija)
oko 400 ml vode (500 ml ako ne koristite vino) ili goveđeg temeljca - možete koristiti kocku za juhu
  1. u loncu zagrijte ulje i dinstajte luk dok ne postane staklast.
  2. dodajte češnjak, promiješajte pa dodajte meso.
  3. prijajte na srednje jakoj vatri dok tekućina iz mesa ne ispari.
  4. dodajte 400 ml vode i sastružite sve "zagorene" mrvice mesa i luka sa stijenki lonca - oni će pridonijeti okusu umaka.
  5. dodajte koncentrat rajčice, sol i papar
  6. poklopite i kuhajte na laganoj vatri 1 sat. Provjerite s vremena na vrijeme da li je potrebno dodati još vode i povremeno promiješajte.
  7. nakon sat vremena dodajte vino (ili jednaku količinu vode ako ne koristite vino).
  8. kuhajte još oko 20-30 minuta ili dok meso ne postane mekano (probajte komadić).
  9. poslužite s njokima, noklicama, tjesteninom ili pire krumpirom.
Recipe by Linda

1 comment:

  1. This is a really good site, well constructed, well referenced with really great recipes, it's a shame its not active anymore :) Danica
