16 October 2015


Place of origin: Our recipe

The second cake I made for Katarina and his B-day party this July, together with Choco coco raspberry cake. I wanted to make an easy, no bake cake that I can "put together" in no time or while the other cake was baking. Of course, it had to contain the chocolate as I'm surrounded by choco lovers. :-D Blueberries came in the picture as a seasonal fruit that goes well with chocolate and mascarpone. Unfortunately, unlike raspberry cake, not one single piece of the cake survived till the next day so I wasn't able to take a picture of a cut. But I guess it can all be seen even without it. ;-) And when you think about 7 people (out of which 4 were women) eating two normal sized cakes all by themselves in one night (and I ate probably least of all) after the four-course meal (five if you count cakes) with rather big portions .... I suppose it wouldn't be over the top to say they were delicious :-D :-)

INGREDIENTS (24 cm springform pan)

240 g chocolate cookies like grancereale
15 g rum (1 tbsp or a little more)
100 g butter, melted

250 g mascarpone
100 g cooking/baking/semisweet chocolate (50-55% cocoa)
100 g whipping cream (real cream, not the one based on vegetable oils)

250 g mascarpone
100 g dark chocolate  (app 70% cocoa)
100 g whipping cream
*I didn't add sugar to the whipping cream for neither chocolate or dark chocolate cream and we didin't miss it as the chocolate made both creams sweet enough; those who like it very sweet might want to add some sugar according to taste

150-200 g whipping cream (the amount depends on your preference, if you like the cream and want a lot of it in the cake, add more; I, personally, am not a big fan of it so 150 g was almost too much for my taste :-) )
200 g blueberries or some other berries to your liking
sugar to taste
  • process the cookies in a food processor till finely ground.
  • add melted butter and rum and process till you have a crumby mass (for app 15 seconds).
  • grease the springform cake pan and press the mass at the bottom of it leveling the surface as much as you can so you'll have a nice even base. 
  • place in the fridge while you're making creams
  • you will make both creams in the same way - in a bowl beat mascarpone with hand mixer till soft. 
  • add melted chocolate (you can melt it either in a bain-marie, over the very low heat or in a microwave) and mix well.
  • in another bowl whip 200 g of the whipping cream till stiff. 
  • using a spatula, gently fold 100 g of the cream into the chocolate cream while saving another half for the dark chocolate cream. If you have a bowl big enough, you can whip all 400 g of the cream at once and then divide it as needed (2 x 100 g for the choco creams and up to 200 g for the blueberry layer)
  • take the pan out of the fridge and evenly spread the chocolate cream over the cookie base
  • return to the fridge for 10-15 minutes so the surface of the cream hardens
  • in the meantime, whip the whipping cream for blueberry if you already haven't done so
  • spread the whipping cream over the chocolate cream and arrange blueberries on the top of it pressing them lightly with the palm of your hand
  • return to the fridge and prepare the dark chocolate cream the same way as the chocolate cream
  • spread the dark chocolate cream over the blueberry layer
  • return to the fridge for couple of hours, remove from the mold and decorate to your liking
  • you can make the cake on a cake stand you will use for serving (to avoid transferring the cake from the pan to the stand) - place the ring of the springform pan on the stand and ask for someone to hold the ring while you're pressing the cookie base in it. Later it will be easier as the base will hold the ring in place. You just have to be a little more careful and more gentle while pouring and spreading creams.
  • this cake can also be made with some other type of berries or combination of forest fruits. Adjust the amount of sugar in the cream according to the sourness of berries. If using sweeter berries you will need less sugar and if using more sour ones like currants you will need more.


Druga torta koju sam napravila za Katarinin i njegov rođendan ovog srpnja, zajedno s Čoko kokos malina tortom. Želja mi je bila napraviti jednostavnu tortu bez pečenja koju mogu složiti za čas ili dok se peče biskvit za drugu tortu. Naravno, u torti je moralo biti čokolade jer sam okružena totalnim čokoljupcima. :-D Borovnice su uletile u priču kao sezonsko voće koje se dobro slaže s čokoladom i mascarponeom. Nažalost, za razliku od torte s  malinama, niti jedan komadić ove torte nije preživio do sljedećeg dana pa nisam uspjela slikati presjek. No mislim da se sve više manje dobro vidi i bez toga. ;-) A kad pomislite kako je 7 osoba (od čega 4 žene) pojelo dvije cijele torte normalne veličine tijekom jedne večeri (s time da sam ja valjda pojela najmanje) i to nakon večere u 4 slijeda (5 ako računamo torte) s relativno velikim porcijama .... pretpostavljam da nije pretjerano reći da su bile odlične. :-D :-)

SASTOJCI (za kalup od 24 cm)

240 g čokoladnih keksa tipa grancereale
15 g ruma (1 žlica ili malo više)
100 g otopljenog maslaca

250 g mascarponea
100 g čokolade za kuhanje
100 g vrhnja za šlag (ne biljnog!)

250 g mascarponea
100 g čokolade 70% kakaa
100 g vrhnja za šlag (ne biljnog!)
*nisam stavljala šećera u šlag (obje kreme) i nama nije falio jer je od čokolade krema dovoljno slatka, tko voli jako slatko, može staviti šećera po svom ukusu

150-200 g vrhnja za šlag (količina ovisi koliko volite šlag i koliko ga želite u kolaču, meni nije baš omiljen pa je za moj ukus i 150 g skoro pa previše :-) )
200 g borovnica (šumske su bolje nego domaće) ili nekog drugog bobičastog voća
šećer prema ukusu
  • usitnite kekse u multipraktiku ili na neki drugi način (mlinac za orahe, u vrećici pomoću bata za meso i sl.)
  • dodajte maslac i rum i izradite (i dalje u multipraktiku) dok smjesa ne postane "mrvičasta" (15ak sekundi)
  • utisnite smjesu na dno namašćenog kalupa za tortu, izravnajte što bolje možete i stavite u frižider dok pripremate kreme
  • obje kreme se rade na isti način - u posudi izmisajte mascarpone, dodajte čokoladu koju ste otopili na pari, na vrlo laganoj vatri ili u mikrovalnoj pećnici
  • dobro izmiksajte
  • u drugoj posudi izradite 200 g šlaga te pola šlaga lagano spatulom umiješajte u prvu kremu, a polovicu spremite za drugu kremu (ako imate dovoljno veliku zdjelu, možete odmah izmiksati sav šlag pa ga dijeliti po potrebi za dvije kreme te za borovnice)
  • izvadite kalup iz frižidera i na njega prvo stavite čokoladnu kremu
  • vratite u frižider na 10-15 minuta da se površina stisne
  • za to vrijeme izradite šlag za borovnice ako ga već niste izradili zajedno sa šlagom za kreme
  • stavite šlag na prvu kremu i po njemu rasporedite borovnice, utisnite ih lagano dlanom u šlag
  • pripremite kremu od tamne čokolade jednako kao i čokoladnu te ju izlijte preko šlaga i borovnica
  • stavite tortu u frižider na par sati te potom izvadite iz kalupa i ukrasite po želji
  • tortu možete raditi i na nekom stalku na kojem ćete ju poslužiti (da izbjegnete prebacivanje iz kalupa) - na stalak stavite samo okvir kalupa i neka vam netko pomogne držati okvir na početku dok utiskujete smjesu od keksa i maslaca, a kasnije će sve ići lakše jer će okvir držati baza torte 
  • i ovu tortu možete napraviti s nekim drugim bobičastim voćem ili s miješanim šumskim voćem. Prilagodite količinu šećera u šlagu kiselosti voća - ako stavljate neko drugo slađe bobičasto voće, šećera treba manje, ako stavljate kiselije poput ribizla, trebat će ga više.
Recipe by Linda

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