20 April 2016


Place of origin: Italy

Italian style crumble with creamy Nutella & mascarpone filling. Based on the combination of ricotta & Nutella, but I'm not a ricotta lover so I substituted it with mascarpone and made some other small changes while combining several recipes into a new one. Everybody loved it so I hope you will too. :-)


400 g all purpose flour
2 eggs
80 g sugar
170 g butter
1 packet instant dry yeast (7 g)

250 g mascarpone
200 g Nutella or similar hazelnut spread
30 g sugar
1 egg
25-50 ml brandy (optional)
1 packet vanilla flavored sugar (10 g)
  1. make the filling first – in a bowl beat mascarpone with hand mixer till soft.
  2. add sugar, egg, vanilla sugar and brandy, mix well.
  3. add Nutella, mix until incorporated.
  4. put in the fridge while you make the crumble.
  5. in a bowl (or in a food processor) mix all the ingredients (use dough hooks for hand mixer) until you have a crumbly mass – it shouldn't be compact. If it's too soft and sticky (depending on whether or not you put brandy in it), add some extra flour.
  6. line the mold with a parchment paper and crumble little more than ½ of the dough at the bottom (do not press it into the mold). If you're not using the parchment paper, grease and flour the mold well.
  7. make the edges of the cake by pressing some of the dough from the bottom (it's ok to press here) along the sides of the mold (it should be app. 1.5-2 cm high) – be careful to make it of approximately same height and without holes, otherwise the filling might leak while baking.
  8. spread the filling over the base and cover with the remaining crumble as uniformly as possible – the filling should be well covered and there shouldn't be any holes especially around the edges.
  9. preheat the oven to 180°C and bake for app. 40 minutes.
  10. let cool well before slicing (the best option is to leave it in the fridge overnight).
  • sbriciolata is usually made round (this amount is for 24-26 cm round pan, either for crostata/pie or a springform mold) and it is cut like any other round cake, but I made it in a 28x18 cm square pan as it was made for his MA party at work so I had to cut it into as many pieces as possible. Much easier to do with a square cake than round one. :-)

Crumble u talijanskom stilu s kremastim nadjevom od nutelle i mascarponea. Napravljen na bazi česte kombinacije ricotte i Nutelle, no kako nisam ljubitelj ricotte zamijenila sam ju mascarponeom te je, uz neke druge male izmjene i kombinaciju nekoliko recepata, nastao jedan novi. Kolačić se svima svidio pa se nadam da će se svidjeti i vama. :-)

400 g glatkog brašna
2 jaja
80 g šećera
170 g maslaca
1 vrećica suhog kvasca

250 g mascarponea
200 g Nutelle ili sličnog namaza
30 g šećera
1 jaje
25-50 ml brandy (opcija i količina po želji)
1 vanil šećer
  1. prvo napravite nadjev: u posudi miksajte mascarpone dok ne postane mekan pa dodajte šećer, jaje, vanil šećer i brandy te ponovno izmiksajte.
  2. dodajte Nutellu i dobro izmiksajte.
  3. stavite u frižider dok radite tijesto.
  4. sve sastojke za tijesto miksajte nastavcima za kruh (ili u multipraktiku) dok se ne dobije mrvičasta smjesa, tijesto ne smije biti kompaktno – ako je tijesto premekano i preljepljivo (ovisi o tome da li ste stavili brandy i koliko), dodajte još malo brašna.
  5. kalup obložite papirom za pečenje te prstima izmrvite malo više od pola količine tijesta na dno (tijesto se ne utiskuje u kalup, doslovno se samo mrvi prstima).Ako ne koristite papir, kalup jako dobro namastite maslacem i posipajte brašnom.
  6. napravite "rub" kolača visine oko 1.5 do 2 cm utiskujući dio tijesta s dna uza stranice kalupa. Pazite da je rub otrpilike jednake visine i bez rupica kako nadjev ne bi iscurio tijekom pečenja.
  7. rasporedite nadjev i po njemu ravnomjerno izmrvite preostalo tijesto kojim treba dobro pokriti nadjev da nema rupica, pogotovo uz rubove. 
  8. pecite oko 40 minuta na 180°C, dobro ohladite i tek onda režite (najbolje je ostaviti kolač u frižideru preko noći).
  • sbriciolata se obično radi u okruglom kalupu (ova smjesa je dovoljna za kalup promjera 24-26 cm, bilo kalup za pite ili za torte) i reže se kao i svaki drugo okrugli kolač/torta. No ja sam ju radila u pravkutnom kalupu veličine 28x18 cm jer je rađena za njegovu feštu za magisterij na poslu pa je trebalo kolač narezati na što više manjih komada. A to je ipak puno lakše izvesti s četvrtastim nego okruglim kolačem. :-)
Recipe by Linda

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