02 September 2015


Place of Origin: Our recipe 

Another dish that was created in "what I have in fridge" style - very delicious. And healthy ;-)
INGREDIENTS (serves 3)
30 g olive oil
450 g butternut squash, cubed
200 g carrot, cut into thin slices or small cubes
100 g peas
100 g green beans or yellow beans
100 g onion
1 tbsp tomato paste
1 vegetable stock cube or 1 litre home-made vegetable stock
1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley and fresh celery leaves (or ½ tbsp dry parsley and dry celery)
salt, black pepper and white pepper
  1. peel the squash and cut into cubes 
  2. peel carrots and cut into thin slices or small cubes
  3. chop the onion 
  4. heat the oil in a pot, saute onions till transparent
  5. add carrot, stir-fry for a minute 
  6. add peas and green or yellow beans, stir-fry for another minute
  7. add squash, stir 
  8. add 1 liter of water (or vegetable stock), let boil
  9. add stock cube if not using home-made stock, add salt, both peppers, parsley and celery leaves  and tomato paste
  10. cook for app 20 minutes or until vegetables are tender
  11. serve in separate bowls and sprinkle with some fresh parsley
  • add some spicy sausage cut into slices after step 8 – the spicy sausage will make an interesting contrast with sweet vegetables
  • add 200 g of chicken fillet cut into small cubes for a more hearty meal (it can serve 4 then) – add chicken after the onion (step 4) and stir-fry for 2-3 minutes then continue with step 5


SASTOJCI (3 osobe) 
30 g maslinovog ulja
450 g butternut (putar) bundeve, narezati na kockice
200 g mrkve, narezati na kockice ili kolutiće
100 g graška
100 g mahuna
100 g luka
1 žlica koncentrata rajčice
1 litra domaćeg povrtnog temeljca ili 1 povrtna kocka za juhu + 1 litra vode
po 1 žlica svježeg sjeckanog lista peršina i celera ili po ½ žlice suhog
sol, crni papar i bijeli papar
  1. ogulite bundevu i narežite ju na kocke
  2. ogulite mrkvu i narežite ju na kockice ili kolutiće
  3. nasjeckajte luk
  4. ugrijte ulje u loncu i pirjajte luk dok ne postane staklast
  5. dodajte mrkvu i pirjajte minutu
  6. dodajte grašak i mahune i prijajte još jednu minutu
  7. dodajte bundevu i promiješajte
  8. dodajte litru juhe ili vodu i pustite da zakipi
  9. ako koristite kocku za juhu, dodajte ju; dodajte sol, obje vrste papra, peršin i celer  te koncentrat rajčice.
  10. kuhajte na laganoj vatri oko 20 minuta ili dok povrće ne omekša.
  11. poslužite i posipajte svježim peršinovim listom
  • dodajte narezanu ljutu kobasicu nakon koraka br. 8 - ljutina iz kobasice će napraviti zanimljiv kontrast slatkastom povrću.
  • za izdašniji obrok, dodajte oko 200 g pilećeg fileta narezanog na kockice (sada jelo može biti za 4 osobe) – dodajte piletinu nakon luka (korak 4) i pržite 2-3 minute pa nastavite s korakom 5. 
Recipe by Linda

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