26 September 2015


Place of origin: Our recipe

Just another simple no bake recipe I came up with some time ago. Based on traditional Dalmatian sweet made from dried figs - Smokvenjak (smokva = fig) :-) 

100 g almonds
100 g walnuts
100 g hazelnuts
150 dried figs
10 g unsweetened cocoa powder
40 g lemon juice
10 g rum
  1. put all ingredients except lemon juice and rum in a food processor or blender and grind/blend until you have coarsely ground mixture
  2. add lemon juice and rum, process again till the mixture forms a stiff ball, add more juice or rum if necessary
  3. using a teaspoon, place small amount of mixture on your palm and roll into a ball. I usually keep the bowl on digital scale to make them of the approximately same size (15-20 g each). If the mixture is sticking to your hands, wet them with cold water (but don't make them too wet!). You might need to repeat this few times (you can put some water in a small bowl, keep it next to you and, if necessary, wet your palms with fingers).
  4. place balls on parchment paper while making the others if you're not putting them in truffle cases (cups) right away (otherwise they will stick to the working surface)
  5. refrigerate until ready to serve
  6. they will keep in a fridge for up to 3 days
  • roll truffles in a coating of your liking like cocoa powder or chopped nuts
  • fill each truffle with (roasted) hazelnut, almond, macadamia nut or pistachio


Još jedan jednostavan recept bez pečenja kojeg sam smislila prije par godina. Kuglice su nastale na osnovi dalmatinskog Smokvenjaka. :-)

100 g badema
100 g oraha
100 g lješnjaka
150 suhih smokvi
10 g nezaslađenog (čistog) kakaa
40 g limunovog soka
10 g ruma (1 žlica)
  1. stavite sve sastojke u multipraktik ili blender i blendajte (sameljite) dok ne dobijete grubo mljevenu smjesu
  2. dodajte limunov sok i rum i ponovno blendajte dok smjesa ne oblikuje loptu, dodajte još soka ili ruma ako je potrebno
  3. pomoću žličice stavljajte malo smjese na dlan i oblikujte kuglicu. Obično držim zdjelu na digitalnoj vagi kako bi mi kuglice otprilike bile iste veličine (15-20 g). Ako se smjesa lijepi, navlažite ruke hladnom vodom, ali nemojte da budu premokre, otresite višak vode. Možda ćete trebati više puta namočiti ruke (možete staviti malo vode u zdjelicu pa po potrebi samo prstima navlažiti dlanove)
  4. stavljajte kuglice na papir za pečnje dok radite ostale, ako ih odmah ne stavljate u košarice, jer se hoće zalijepiti za radnu površinu
  5. kuglice pohranite u frižider do serviranja
  6. mogu se čuvati u frižideru do 3 dana
  • ako želite, kuglice možete uvaljati u kakao ili sjeckane (mljevene) orašaste plodove
  • u svaku kuglicu možete staviti jedan (prženi) lješnjak, badem, macadamia orah ili pistaciju 
Recipe by Linda

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