22 September 2015


Place of Origin: Our recipe
Simple, quick and tasty :-)

INGREDIENTS (serves 2)
300 g turkey fillets (or chicken)
400 g mushrooms (net weight) – you can use any mushrooms to your taste, from standard button mushrooms to wild mushrooms; sliced thinly
50 g onion, thinly sliced or chopped
100 g fresh tomato puree (or leave in chunks if you like it that way)
app 150 ml water
a pinch of thyme, marjoram and parsley
salt & black pepper
olive oil
5 g corn starch + 50 ml water
  1. peel tomatoes and puree them in food processor or chop them into small chunks
  2. in deep frying pan or pot heat app 1 tbsp olive oil
  3. add onions and sauté till transparent
  4. add turkey (or chicken) fillets and fry them on both sides
  5. add mushrooms, cover with lid and cook on medium low heat till mushrooms reduce in size
  6. remove the lid, stir and let the liquid from mushrooms evaporate
  7. add tomatoes, let it boil for a minute
  8. add water and all spices
  9. cook for another 15 minutes
  10. dissolve corn starch in 50 ml of water and add it to the pot
  11. cook for few more minutes till the sauce thickens
  12. sprinkle with some fresh parsley and serve with gnocchi, rice, pasta, couscous, potato pure…..
HINT: you can substitute 100 ml of water with the same amount of white wine :-)


Jednostavno, brzo i ukusno :-)

SASTOJCI (za 2 osobe)
300 g purećeg (ili pilećeg) filea
400 g gljiva (netto težina) – možete upotrijebiti bilo koju vrstu gljiva po želji, od šampinjona preko bukovača do vrganja i drugih šumskih gljiva; tanko narezati
50 g luka, tanko narezati ili nasjeckati
100 g svježeg pirea rajčice (ili rajčica narezana na kockice)
oko 150 ml vode
prstohvat timijana (majčine dušice), mažurana i peršina
sol i papar
maslinovo ulje
5 g gustina + 50 ml vode
  1. ogulite rajčicu i pretvorite ju u pire u sjeckalici ili ju narežite na kockice
  2. u dubokoj tavi ili loncu ugrijte 1 žlicu maslinovog ulja
  3. dodajte luk i dinstajte dok ne postane staklast
  4. dodajte pureće (ili pileće) filete i prepržite ih s obje strane
  5. dodajte gljive, poklopite i pustite da se krčka dok se gljive ne smanje na pola svoje veličine i ne puste tekućinu
  6. otklopite, promiješajte i pustite da ishlapi tekućina iz gljiva
  7. dodajte rajčicu i pustite da zakipi
  8. dodajte vodu i sve začine
  9. kuhajte 15ak minuta
  10. otopite gustin u 50 ml vode i dodajte u lonac
  11. kuhajte još par minuta dok se umak ne zgusne
  12. posipajte svježim peršinom i poslužite uz njoke, tjesteninu, rižu, kuskus, pire od krumpira...
NAPOMENA: možete zamijeniti 100 ml vode s istom količinom bijelog vina :-)

Recipe by Linda

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