21 September 2015


Place of Origin: Our recipe

A somewhat healthy cake (not much sugar and flour) that we have created while working on excavations in Slavonia few years ago. Long winter days, locked inside the house with tons of pottery laying around.... we were baking something almost every day. And making experiments, too. Some turned out pretty well, like this one :-)

3 eggs
4 tbsp sugar
6 tbsp strong bread flour
½ packet baking powder (4 g)
grated lemon and orange peel
1 cup raisins
½ cup chopped mixed walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts
½ cup chopped dried figs
100 g chopped dark chocolate
  1. chop all ingredients that have to be chopped (nuts, figs, chocolate)
  2. in a bowl beat eggs with sugar with hand mixer
  3. add flour and baking powder together with lemon and orange peel
  4. mix well
  5. using a spatula, mix in chopped ingredients
  6. preheat oven to 160°C
  7. grease and flour cake mold (23-24 cm) and pour in the batter
  8. bake for max 1 hour (check with a toothpick)
  9. take out of the oven, let it cool and remove from mold – you will need clean mold later
800 g apples (net weight, peeled and without seeds)
50 g corn starch
500 ml milk
juice and peel of 1 lemon
2 tbsp rum
1 tsp ground cinnamon
50 g sugar
  1. slice apples and sprinkle with lemon juice
  2. cook in your microwave oven for 8 minutes (stir half way through) or cook in a pot on a stovetop for 15 minutes or until tender
  3. put apples in a blender with 250 ml of milk and puree (add more of milk if necessary)
  4. pour the apple puree in a pot and let boil
  5. dissolve the corn starch in the remaining milk and add to boiling apple puree (stir constantly to prevent forming of lumps)
  6. add cinnamon, lemon peel and rum
  7. simmer until thicken, let cool a bit, stirring occasionally to prevent skin from forming on the top
  8. place the base of cake in clean cake mold and pour apple cream over it
  9. put in a fridge and let cool completely
250 ml milk
1 egg
4 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp flour

1 tbsp vanilla extract
lemon peel slices or 15 g unsweetened cocoa powder
  1. put all ingredients (except lemon peel and milk) in a pot and beat well with hand mixer until light and fluffy, add milk and mix well
  2. put the pot over low heat and add lemon peel (if you’re making chocolate cream, mix the cocoa with flour and add it in step 1)
  3. simmer, stirring constantly, until it thickens
  4. take out the lemon peel
  5. let cool, stir often so the skin doesn’t form (otherwise you’ll have lumps in the cream) or cover the cream with plastic wrap with wrap touching the cream and let cool
  6. while lukewarm, pour over the apple cream
  7. put the cake in the fridge and let it rest for couple of hours before serving
  8. remove the cake from mold and sprinkle with grated chocolate or chopped nuts, if you like

Relativno zdravi kolač (malo šećera i brašna) kojeg smo stvorile dok smo radile na terenu u Slavoniji. Tijekom dugih zimskih dana, zatvorene u kući s hrpama keramike razbacane uokolo.... nešto smo pekle skoro svaki dan. I radile eksperimente. A neki su ispali prilično dobro, poput ovoga  :-)

3 jaja
4 žlice šećera
6 žlica oštrog brašna
½ paketa praška za pecivo
ribana korica limuna i naranče
1 šalica grožđica
½ šalice sjeckanih oraha, badema i lješnjaka (miješano)
½ šalice sjeckanih suhih smokvi
100 g sjeckane tamne čokolade
  1. miksajte jaja i šećer dok ne postane pjenasto
  2. dodajte brašno, prašak za pecivo te koricu limuna i naranče
  3. dobro izmiksajte
  4. pomoću spatule lagano umiješajte grožđice i sve sjeckane sastojke
  5. ugrijte pećnicu na 160°C
  6. pecite u namašćenom i pobrašnjenom kalupu za tortu (promjer 21-24 cm) najviše 1 sat (provjerite čačkalicom)
  7. izvadite iz pećnice, ostavite da se ohladi te izvadite iz kalupa - trebat će vam čisti kalup kasnije
800 g jabuka (netto težina - oguljene i bez sjemenki)
50 g gustina
500 ml mlijeka
sok i korica 1 limuna
2 žlice ruma
1 žličica cimeta
50 g šećera
  1. narežite jabuke i prelijte ih limunovim sokom
  2. kuhajte jabuke u mikrovalnoj pećnici 8 minuta (promiješajte nakon 4 minute) ili u loncu oko 15 minuta ili dok ne omekšaju
  3. stavite jabuke u blender s 250 ml mlijeka i pretvorite ih u pire (dodajte još mlijeka ako je masa pregusta za blendanje) - ako nemate blender, jabuke možete pretvoriti u pire pasirkom za krumpir
  4. izlijte pire od jabuka u lonac i pustite da zakipi
  5. otopite gustin u preostalom mlijeku i dodajte u pire stalno miješajući da ne nastanu grudice
  6. dodajte cimet, koricu limuna i rum
  7. kuhajte dok se krema ne zgusne, malo ohladite uz miješanje da se ne stvori korica (ili pokrijte kremu prozirnom folijom tako da je folija "zalijepljena" na kremu)
  8. stavite bazu kolača u čisti kalup i prelijte kremom od jabuka
  9. stavite u frižider pustite da se u potpunosti ohladi
250 ml mlijeka
1 jaje
4 žlice šećera
2 žlice brašna
korica limuna u kriškama i 1 žlica arome vanilije ili 15 g čistog kakaa
  1. stavite sve sastojke (osim korice limuna i mlijeka) u lonac i miksajte dok ne postane pjenasto, dodajte mlijeko i opet izmiksajte
  2. stavite lonac na laganu vatru i dodajte koricu limuna (ako koristite kakao, pomiješajte ga s brašnom i dodajte u koraku 1)
  3. kuhajte uz neprestano miješanje dok se krema ne zgusne
  4. izvadite koricu limuna
  5. ohladite uz miješanje da se ne stvori korica (ili pokrijte kremu prozirnom folijom tako da je folija "zalijepljena" na kremu)
  6. mlaku kremu izlijte na kolač
  7. stavite kolač u frižider, neka odstoji par sati prije posluživanja
  8. izvadite kolač iz kalupa i posipajte čokoladnim mrvicama (ribanom čokoladom) ili sjeckanim orašastim plodovima, prema želji
Recipe by Linda

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